Corey Bourassa

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Downy Woodpeckers

Downy woodpecker searching for food

Downy woodpecker scaling a dead tree

I took the Canon 7D Mark II and the Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens for a walk a few weeks back. We have a pair of Pileated woodpeckers that live in the neighborhood and I see them frequently when walking my dog, but of course I never have my camera or cannot get very close with the dog. So most weekends I spend some time by myself looking for the Pileated...with no luck to date. 

On this day, the sky had turned overcast and the background was gray and muted. I came across this Downy woodpecker and followed him for ten minutes as he flew from tree-to-tree looking for food. At times I was able to get within ten feet and capture some descent candid images.

Thanks for stopping by today!


Downy woodpecker searching for food on a dead tree