Corey Bourassa

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Washington DC - Smithsonian Institute's Natural History Museum


This April the family traveled to Washington, D.C. for Spring Break. We enjoyed absolutely gorgeous Spring weather while we explored the city and its many museums and monuments. According to the Fitbit, we covered approximately 20 miles in our three and a half day visit that included the National Mall, the National Archives, the Smithsonian's Natural History and Air & Space Museum, the National Zoo, the Steven Udvar-Hazy Center at Dulles Airport, the International Spy Museum, and many other sites and sounds along the way.

For the trip, I brought along the Fuji X100s and a couple of 32GB flash cards amassing just shy of 1000 images throughout the week. All the photographs were shot handheld and often times in very challenging lighting conditions. I primarily shot at F2.8 and F4.0 indoors, while stopping down to F8.0 and F11.0 on occasion when outdoors. 

On Sunday, we visited the Smithsonian Institute's National Museum of Natural History. One can spend hours in the Hall of Human Origins alone.

Two of my favorite photos from our trip were taken here. The first was taken in the National Geographic's Best of the Best Nature Photography Twentieth Anniversary gallery. There were some exceptional photographs on display. I was fortunate to come across a young lady completely absorbed in the Youth Photography category included below. The second was a very large print of a animal in a tree and I asked my son to stand below it and look up; one of the few times during the trip I could get either of children to pose for me.

Thanks for stopping by today!