Corey Bourassa

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CPSC Cobras win the U12 2016 Burnt Hill Fathers Day Tournament

Photo of the remaining team members after the trophy presentation

On Saturday June 18, the CPSC Cobras played in the 2016 Burnt Hills Fathers Day tournament at the Ballston Lake - Burnt Hills High School. It was a beautiful June day in the Capital District with bright sunshine and afternoon temperatures approaching 90F. 

Albany Magic keeping pace stride-for-stride

The Cobras recorded two early draws (Albany Magic, Burnt Hills) before coming alive and posting two impressive shutout wins (First Touch, Niskayuna) to secure a spot in the final game. In the Niskayuna game, even the goal keeper earned playing time on the field.

In the final game, the Cobras played the Albany Magic to a draw in regulation time again forcing a five minute extra period. At the end of extra time, the score remained tied sending the game into a 3-shot shootout. In the shootout, both the Cobras and Magic scored on their first penalty shot. The Cobras second shot found the back of the net, but the Magic's second attempt, a hard shot straight up the middle, was stopped by the Cobras' keeper for a 2-1 lead. The Cobras' third shot was also good giving the Cobras a 3-1 lead and the tournament win.

All action photographs were taken with the Canon 7D Mark II and a Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens handheld. The tournament started at 1pm and was completed after 6pm. It was a very sunny day and as the afternoon wore on the shadows became quite harsh. All post processing was done in Adobe Lightroom CC primarily to adjust exposure and apply color correction.

The complete gallery can be found here.

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An early opportunity to score against the Magic

A well-executed pass

Keeping an eye on the ball

The Magic's defense breaking up a play

The keep goes up for the deflection against Burnt Hills pushing it just wide

Crossing pass

Crossing pass

The Burnt Hills keeper comes out to make the save

Concentration as both players go for the ball

Getting air for the header

Crossing pass against First Touch

Athletic move against First Touch

Going to goal

A small on field celebration after a goal

Niskayuna goal keeper comes off his line to prevent a goal

Avoiding the defense to keep the play alive

The keeper comes out and plays a header on a corner kick

Watching the header shot on goal ultimately stopped by a third defensive player out of frame

Digging out the ball for a crossing pass

Bringing the ball to the ground during an attack

The goal keeper stops the Magic's second penalty shot for a 2-1 lead. (Ball initially was a gut shot rebounding into his face above)

Post game celebration after the 3-1 shootout win for the tournament victory