Corey Bourassa

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2016 BMWCCA Vintage at Saratoga

Out front of the Saratoga Auto Museum

The front facade of the Saratoga Auto Museum.

We took a quick trip to the 2016 BMWCCA Vintage at Saratoga auto show held at the Saratoga Auto Museum Saturday in between down pours. The participants were beginning to break-up because another large storm was moving in within the hour, so I grabbed some quick pictures of the cars that were still parked. With the low light conditions and rain water, I mostly focused on close-up details of the cars and reflections in the rain water.

For these images, I shot the Fuji X100s handheld. After a month of shooting the Canon 7D Mark II, it is always fun to rediscover how amazingly simple and fun it is to use the Fuji. All images are post-processed in Lightroom CC for exposure and crop.

Thanks for stopping by today.

A BMW 3.0 CS reflection in the rain water

E28 M5's BBS wheels reflection

E28 M5 front end

BMW kidney grill

BMW roundel on blue

BMW roundel on green

BMW roundel on red

A wet BMW 1600 GT

Reflections in the BMW 1600 GT driver window

Rear quarter of the BMW 1600 GT

BMW 850 CSI in front of the Saratoga Auto Museum

A beautiful white BMW 60 R-2 motorcycle

Details on a black BMW 60 R-2 motorcycle

For full screen images click below.