Corey Bourassa

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Immature Coneflower

An immature Coneflower from this past Summer (click to enlarge)

Coneflowers are one of my favorite flowers to photograph. They have great structure and bright colors that make for a great flower photograph as an isolated subject. The photo above was taken in bright sunlight at F/4 with the Canon EF 135MM F/2L lens. Because of the bright sunlight, the colors were a bit washed out and the overall photograph was not very interesting. However, I liked the structure of the background flowers and stems that were showing through and I decided to process this image to highlight those features.

The post process was completed with Tonality CK and Photoshop 2018. I used Tonality CK to do the initial color processing then used layers in Photoshop to dodge & burn various features of the photo.

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