Corey Bourassa

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Ice Cardinals

Female Northern Cardinal in the ice

Male Northern Cardinal in the ice

A small snow storm moved through Northern New York on the 22nd dropping about 3 inches of snow and canceling school on the last school day of the year. We took advantage of the day-off by catching an afternoon screen of the Star Wars The Last Jedi with the kids. After arriving home, I shoveled the drive way and thankfully because over night we received about 1/8" of ice. 

While eating breakfast today, a large group of Northern Cardinals visited the feeder and I was able to grab the camera and capture a number of images of the cardinals in the ice-covered Butterfly bush next to the feeder. These photos were all shot with the Canon 7D Mark II and the Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens handheld. Most of the images were processed in Photoshop CC with Luminar for exposure and color correction, while I used Photoshop layers for noise, sharpening, and a bit of dodge and burn.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Female Northern Cardinal in the ice

Female Northern Cardinal in the ice

Female Northern Cardinal in the ice

Female Northern Cardinal in the ice

Female Northern Cardinal in the ice