Corey Bourassa

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Ice-Covered Adirondacks

Snow and ice covered hills driving through the Adirondacks - F/4.0 | 1/250 SEC | ISO 200

Sun peaks out on the Northway in the Adirondacks with a salty roadway - F/4.0 | 1/250 SEC | ISO 200

Recently I traveled to Quebec for work. I decided to drive since the trip was only going to be three and a half hours in the car and this would be much quicker than flying. Having snowed the night before, the roads were clear, but the ground and surrounding hills were snow-covered. Driving north on the NY Northway in the early morning, rain was intermittent and the sky was overcast. As I reached the northern Adirondacks, the rain subsided and the clouds became interesting just as I was passing through the ice-covered rock-exposed hills. Having brought the Fuji X100s with me, I was able to capture some images as I traveled North. All images shown here were shot handheld in manual mode with auto ISO and autofocus. 

After importing the images into Lightroom CC and adjusting for exposure, I brought a few images into Adobe Photoshop CC and used Nik Software's Silver Efex Pro II to convert to black and white. I like to bring photos into the Photoshop as smart objects because it then allows filters to be applied non-destructively. After converting to black and white using Ilford 50 film simulation, I reopened Silver Efex Pro II and applied a selenium tint to give the images that cold winter feeling which I thinks brings out the rock and ice details while retaining an interesting sky.

Let me know what you think. Thanks for stopping by today.

Another snow and ice covered hill in the Adirondacks - F/4.0 | 1/250 SEC | ISO 250

Snow, ice, and clouds in the Adirondacks - F/4.0 | 1/250 SEC | ISO 200