Corey Bourassa

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Spring Break - New York City #3

432 Park Avenue from Central Park - X100F

One56 - X100F

Finally getting around to completing the photo series from Spring Break in New York City. These photos were taken on Monday afternoon after leaving the museum and walking through Central Park. Everyone else in my group went for a bike ride through the park, however I chose to take the camera and stroll through the park. The day was mild, but you can see the snow from that morning is still on the ground. I made my way North through the park from Columbus Circle then circles back South to Sherman Memorial.

After stopping at an Irish pub and waiting for the family to catch up, we headed South to Times Square for dinner. By then it was dark and I was exercising the new Fujifilm X100f as we navigated the streets.

With three days of mixed weather and lighting situations my impression of the X100f is very very positive. All the great attributes of the X100s I have been shooting with for six plus years with a significantly better sensor and much better back-panel ergonomics. I suppose the autofocus is quicker also, but this does not really factor in to my typical shooting style for this camera much. My preferred X100s setup was to shoot aperture priority with auto ISO and RAW files, but I have the X100f camera setup to aperture priority, with ISO select via the front dial, and RAW+JPEG. I find this is almost as convenient as auto ISO, but with much more control in difficult lighting situations. RAW+JPEG allows transfer to the iPhone when I want to send a picture quickly. I also love the Classic Chrome and ACROS film simulations. I debated long and hard whether to get another X100 or jump into the Fujifilm X Pro 2. Since I have no intention of giving up my Canon setup anytime soon, the use case for the X100f remains primarily travel photography. I find the X100f excels in this regard and I am very happy with my decision.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Trump International Hotel - X100F

Bethesda Fountain - X100F

Upper Eastside from Central Park - X100F

William Tecumseh Sherman Monument - X100F

Walking to Times Square at night - X100F

Walking to Times Square at night - X100F