Corey Bourassa

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More Christmas 2016

Snowman on the hearth

Windows reflecting in a Christmas ornament

Another year is gone and another holiday vacation is coming to a close. We stayed close to home this holiday season because my son is on the mend with a broken ankle...the cast comes off next week. I already  had posted Christmas images in the previous post, but I had captured some additional images through the week at various times of day and I thought I would share them.

All photos shown here were taken with the Canon 7D Mark II and the Canon EF 135MM F/2.0L lens. This is possibly my favorite lens because of how it renders almost any scene and when the focus is nailed the images are tac sharp.

Above, our hearth is covered in greens and lights with a seasonal snowman figurine perched at one end. This was taken in late afternoon with some ambient light still visible.

To the right, a Christmas ornament hangs with reflections of our picture windows, t.v., and fireplace. I like the contrast between the out-of-focus windows and the reflected light in the in-focus ornament features.

Below, several additional ornaments are shown on the Christmas tree including my 8 year old daughter's homemade Christmas ornament. I didn't appreciate the ornament was made from plastic knives until I was post-processing the image.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Window reflections in another Christmas ornament

My daughter's homemade ornament on the tree

Christmas ornaments and reflections

Snowman on the hearth

For more full size images click on the thumbnails below.