Corey Bourassa

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Morning Glory

Morning Glory conversion to black and white by Silver Efex Pro II

Recently while reviewing the photos I have taken this past Summer I realized how few images of the flowers around the house have been taken. While outdoors shooting the birds this past weekend, I managed to capture the above Morning Glory in the late afternoon sunlight. 

While not a lens that can be accused of having anything like macro capability, the Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM does render decent out-of-focus backgrounds and bokeh when at 400MM on the Canon 7D Mark II. The images here were shot handheld at F16 and F10 thanks to the strong day light.

Using Nik Software's Silver Efex Pro II, the above image was converted to black and white after minor color and exposure adjustments in Adobe Lightroom CC. The film simulation was Kodak T125 with a moderate vignette and increased overall structure and contrast.

The color image below is processed in Adobe Lightroom CC with minor adjustments to exposure and color (pushed the blues and reds slightly as they appeared faded in the original image).

Thanks for stopping by today! 

Morning Glory in the afternoon sunlight