Eastern Bluebirds Feeding

Eastern Blue Bird Feeding (90)


The Eastern Bluebird has been a common sight around the yard recently. On this cold and snow-covered morning in February, several Eastern Bluebirds, as many as five at one time, were feeding. I captured the images shown here while sitting at my kitchen table about eight feet away from the bird feeder.

The images were captured handheld using a Canon 7D Mark II and Canon EF 100-400MM F4.5/5.6L IS USM lens. The RAW images were imported into Adobe Lightroom for exposure adjustment, cropping, and Dodge & Burn using the local adjustment brush.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Eastern Blue Bird Feeding (5)

Eastern Blue Bird Feeding (1)

Eastern Blue Bird Feeding (7)

To see more, you can find me at Flickr or 500px.