More Eastern Bluebirds

Eastern Bluebird Feeder (2)

The Eastern Bluebirds have been numerous recently with as many as a dozen visiting at once. I have included images that shows the variety of color...both blues and reds...of the different birds. 

The images were captured with a Canon 7DMII and a Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens handheld in daylight. The RAW images were imported into Adobe Lightroom, cropped, then processed for exposure, color correction, and sharpening.

I have been shooting in Canon's Camera Neutral color setting and importing the RAW images into Lightroom with the same setting in the Camera Calibration module to keep what I see on the camera LCD and in Lightroom consistent. For birds and wildlife, I have been finding I prefer that setting. In Lightroom, I typically set the black/white points, adjust clarity, adjust the Tone Curve, touch-up the minor issues, apply some Dodge and/or Burn if necessary, and then sharpen. 

Thanks for stopping by today!

Eastern Blue Bird

Eastern Bluebird Feeder (1)

Eastern Bluebird Perch (2)

Eastern Bluebird on the Roof (10)

Eastern Bluebird on the Roof (8)