Corey Bourassa

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Luke's Winter

Luke staring down the photographer

The winter in the New York Capital Region has been extremely mild with almost no snow. On this February day, the sun was shining and it was unseasonably mild, which inevitably resulted in Luke jumping, pawing, and pouting until he got to play outside.

Of course, I grabbed the camera and made him earn his play time.

The images here were shot handheld with the Canon 7D Mark II and the Canon EF 135MM F/2L ... possibly my favorite lens.

In the above image, the sun is shining brightly from his left lighting up his eyes. I thought a close crop of his eye-line made for a dramatic image. This was shot handheld with the Canon 7D Mark II and the Canon EF 135MM F/2L ... possibly my favorite lens.

Luke losing patience with the photographer

After tossing the tennis ball around for a while, I managed to settle Luke down long enough in a location with a clean background to snap a few more images. I was shooting in manual focus with a shallow depth of field and he kept moving around, so I was fortunate to capture this image after about half a dozen attempts. You can tell by the expression on his face that he is getting annoyed.

Luke at his finest

The above image was shot with the Canon 7D Mark II and the Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens earlier in February. It was a much colder day and it was gray and overcast day, but I like the expression on his face and the black and white processing.

Luke distracted by someone across the court yard

Another image taken with the Canon 7D Mark II and the Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens earlier in February. A brighter day and seasonably cold. I recall he was distracted by someone across the street while I was taking this image, which is why he is looking off camera and not staring at the tennis ball I'm holding in my hand.

I have begun adding click-through links to these images that will take you to my Zenfolio portfolio where you can purchase prints, so if you see an image that interests you, it can be yours now.

Thanks for stopping by today!