Beautiful Spring weather has finally arrived to the New York Capital District! On this beautiful weekend day, I spent some time walking our apple trees and photographing the blossoms with the Canon 7D Mark II and the EF 100-400 F/4.5-5.6L lens; yes I was also trying to capture a few birds that afternoon.
We have about ten apple trees consisting of Honeycrisp and Norther Spey varieties. Last Fall I pruned these 9 year-old dwarf and semi-dwarf trees back quite a bit to open them up and let more air into the trees. I am hoping for a better fruit crop in 2020. If these blossoms are an indication, we are well on our way.
Color photos were processed in Adobe Lightroom and the black and white photos were processed in Adobe Photoshop with Nik Silver Efex Pro plug-in applying a Fuji ACROS filter and select Dodge & Burn.
Thanks for stopping by today.
Apple blossoms in Spring
Apple blossoms in black and white
Apple blossoms in Spring