My Top 10 Favorite Photos of 2016

Sorting through my 2016 Lightroom catalog and reviewing my photo statistics this past week I calculated that I took approximately 8200 photos of which approximately 7000 were with the Canon 7D Mark II, 1200 were with the Fuji X100s, and a few were taken with the iPhone 7 Plus. If I had to guess, I would have thought that 1) I had taken many more photos this year overall and 2) specifically many more with the Fuji X100s. I was not surprised that I took nearly 7000 images with the Canon given the number of soccer games I photographed this year. 

Another surprising discovery was that I had only 59 "5 Star" images in 2016, which was about half of what I had tagged in 2015. Maybe I'm getting more critical of my work, or possibly less motivated to rate photos.

Below are my 10 favorite images from 2016 in no particular order. Not surprisingly, most of my favorite photos are taken with the Fuji X100s ... I love that camera!  I will admit, it was hard to keep this list to just 10 as there were another 6-8 photos that could be here.

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment.

Thanks for stopping by today!

#1 - Photographed outside a donut shop in Washington DC while having breakfast in April. I think this image captures his personality in 2016.

Fuji X100s | Breakfast | Washington DC

Fuji X100s | Breakfast | Washington DC

#2 - Photographed Memorial Day weekend in New Hampshire on my Mom's back porch. Another picture that I think reflects her personality in 2016.

Fuji X100s | Porch | New Hampshire

Fuji X100s | Porch | New Hampshire

#3 - My favorite soccer photograph of the year. This photo is taken in heavy rain while they were getting beaten bad by the top ranked U12 team in the country during the US Soccer Eastern Regionals.

Canon 7D Mark II | Keeper in the Rain | West Virginia

Canon 7D Mark II | Keeper in the Rain | West Virginia

#4 - Photographed in the National History Museum in the National Geographic photographers display. I had my son stand under the image on the wall and look up while taking the photo. 

Fuji X100s | I see you | Washington DC National History Museum

Fuji X100s | I see you | Washington DC National History Museum

#5 - Another image from Washington DC of the Washington monument at sunset. Of all the monument photos I took, I like this image because of the sun flare, color, and composition. It is a unique view of a heavily photographed landmark.

Fuji X100s | Washington Monument at sunset | Washington, DC

Fuji X100s | Washington Monument at sunset | Washington, DC

#6 - Who does not like the SR-71? I have had the privilege of actually being in a NASA hangar with two of these many years ago (prior to my photography interests). This image was taken during business hours at the museum and has been processed in Photoshop.

Fuji X100s | SR-71 Blackbird | Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center National Air & Space Museum

Fuji X100s | SR-71 Blackbird | Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center National Air & Space Museum

#7 - Photographed at the BMWCCA Vintage at Saratoga car show. The rain had recently stopped and I was looking for unique views/reflections of the cars in the puddles when I happened to notice the lady's reflection in the window. This image came out exactly as I had envisioned it in camera.

Fuji X100s | BMW Reflection | Saratoga Springs, NY

Fuji X100s | BMW Reflection | Saratoga Springs, NY

#8 - You know what they say: sometimes it is better to be lucky than good ... this was one of those occasions. Locally there was almost no color in New York, but I decided to take a drive east to Vermont and see what I could find. A few back roads later outside of Bennington and scenes like these were around every corner.

Fuji X100s | Vermont Color | Southern Vermont

Fuji X100s | Vermont Color | Southern Vermont

#9 - After reviewing my 2016 photos I was surprised how few photos I took of Luke. It always seems like I am taking photos of Luke, but the image count was just not there in 2016. Although taken in the last week of 2016, I thought the image below represented his personality and style and is the reason I chose it.

Canon 7D Mark II | Luke and our ND throw | Halfmoon, NY

Canon 7D Mark II | Luke and our ND throw | Halfmoon, NY

#10 - A few of the recent photos of Northern Cardinals in the snow could have been chosen here, but I decided on this photo of a Blue Jay. I really like his stance, the lighting, and the sharp detail in his eye. I usually shoot all my photos handheld, but this was unique in that I used a wireless remote shutter release with the camera positioned outdoors on a tripod.

Canon 7D Mark II | Blue Jay pose | Halfmoon, NY

Canon 7D Mark II | Blue Jay pose | Halfmoon, NY