Corey Bourassa

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Morning Light

Warm directional morning light on the trees and cold sky

Morning light striking the trees

The other morning while getting the kids ready for school I happened to notice the very directional light illuminating the trees in the back yard. The light was falling under the cloudy sky to the northwest giving it a very bluish tone. 

I grabbed the Fuji X100s and took a number of images from my back doorstep handheld. At first I thought this would make a great black and white image, but this very unique light made for a dramatic image straight out of camera. The image above uses the Fuji Standard color simulation with some minor exposure adjustments in Lightroom CC.

The image to the right is a black and white conversion using the Fuji Red simulation in Lightroom CC.

The image below is a black and white conversion in Nik's Silver Efex Pro II. I like the way Silver Efex Pro can tease out the detail and contrast in the sky quite easily with minimal edits.

Ten minutes later I was extremely glad I had put my coffee down and grabbed my camera as the light had completely faded and we were back to our typical gray winter day.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Black and White rendering of the scene