Who's ready for Fall?

Who's ready for Fall?

Nothing says Fall is approaching like ripening apples on a tree.

Four years ago we planted a dozen apple trees and a few peach trees. The apple trees consisted of a mix of Honeycrisp and Northern Spy varietals. Honeycrisp is our favorite snacking apple and Northern Spy is our favorite pie apple. This season is the first year we have a crop of apples worthy of consumption. 

The image above is of a Honeycrisp apple in early August about 4 inches in diameter and has approximately four weeks remaining to be picked...if we can keep the kids away that long! The apple was photographed with the Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens and slightly cropped in Adobe Lightroom.

Have a great day!

Blueberries are one of my favorite foods!


Blueberries are one of my favorite foods! Nothing is quite as satisfying than a semi-ripe tart blueberry on a warm Summer's day. We have planted several blueberry bushes around our yard over the years and I have planted another half dozen this year to enjoy in a few years to come.

This particular bush is a few years old and produced quite a yield this season as can be seen in one cluster of berries photographed with the Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens at the 400MM end of the range to provide a nice blur to the image.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Cherry tomatoes are a favorite of my son's

Cherry Tomato

We grow a small vegetable garden in three raised beds. This time of year the tomatoes ripen and have a wonderful mix of deep reds, yellows, and greens. My son loves these and eats them as quickly as they ripen.

The above tomato cluster was photographed with the Canon EF 100-400 F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens at almost 400MM to blur the background. A slight crop was applied in Adobe Lightroom.

Thanks for stopping by today.