Who's ready for Fall?

Who's ready for Fall?

Nothing says Fall is approaching like ripening apples on a tree.

Four years ago we planted a dozen apple trees and a few peach trees. The apple trees consisted of a mix of Honeycrisp and Northern Spy varietals. Honeycrisp is our favorite snacking apple and Northern Spy is our favorite pie apple. This season is the first year we have a crop of apples worthy of consumption. 

The image above is of a Honeycrisp apple in early August about 4 inches in diameter and has approximately four weeks remaining to be picked...if we can keep the kids away that long! The apple was photographed with the Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens and slightly cropped in Adobe Lightroom.

Have a great day!

Blueberries are one of my favorite foods!


Blueberries are one of my favorite foods! Nothing is quite as satisfying than a semi-ripe tart blueberry on a warm Summer's day. We have planted several blueberry bushes around our yard over the years and I have planted another half dozen this year to enjoy in a few years to come.

This particular bush is a few years old and produced quite a yield this season as can be seen in one cluster of berries photographed with the Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens at the 400MM end of the range to provide a nice blur to the image.

Thanks for stopping by today!