Purple Iris

Purple Iris

A warm and sunny Spring day and the Iris are beginning to bloom. This particular specimen is located in a flower bed in our front yard and catches the afternoon sunshine. Here you can see the sun glimmering off the unopened petals, which I thought contrasted nicely with the shadows on the side not exposed to the sunlight. I've used the Canon EF 135MM F/2.0L lens attached to the Canon 7D Mark II and a tripod to capture this image.

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Depth of Field


First Iris of the Year

The first Iris of Spring have bloomed. These purple Iris are in a flower bed at the end of our driveway and seem to have survived the harsh winter without a problem. The image here was taken handheld with a Canon 7D Mark II and a Canon EF 135MM F/2.0L USM lens in bright sunlight.

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