Autumn colors - a single maple leaf

Fall Colors

Autumn in upstate New York this year seemed to be off to a slow start in mid-October. The colors were scattered and muted. However as October progressed, vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges emerged. I came across the above maple leaf in the yard and thought the yellow contrasted well with the red to define the leaf structure. I also found several other specimens and I positioned them on an old tree stump in late afternoon light for photographing.

Using the Canon 7D Mark II and the EF 135 F/2.0L lens, I took the above image of a single maple leaf.

More to come...

Have a great day!


Bokeh with the Fuji X100s

Fungus on a Birch tree

There are a number of Birch trees in our back yard and these large Fungus grow on them. In the Autumn, they turn a deep brown orange and have wonderful texture.

While walking our dog, I took the above image using the Fuji X100s in macro mode with the yellows of the Poplar trees in the back ground. In macro mode, I've found the Fuji X100s can produce some wonderful bokeh.

Thanks for stopping by today!