Eastern Gray Squirrels

Northern Gray Squirrel (1)

Here are few of the Gray Squirrels I've kept well-fed throughout the Winter. They really enjoy the nuts and black sunflower seeds I put out for the birds.

The color images are slightly edited in Adobe Lightroom, while the black and white image is post-process in Nik Software's Silver Efex Pro II.

Have a great day!

Northern Gray Squirrel in the Snow (1)

Godzilla Attackes - Northern Gray Squirrel in the Snow (2) B&W

Northern Gray Squirrel(2)

More Eastern Bluebirds

Eastern Bluebird Feeder (2)

The Eastern Bluebirds have been numerous recently with as many as a dozen visiting at once. I have included images that shows the variety of color...both blues and reds...of the different birds. 

The images were captured with a Canon 7DMII and a Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens handheld in daylight. The RAW images were imported into Adobe Lightroom, cropped, then processed for exposure, color correction, and sharpening.

I have been shooting in Canon's Camera Neutral color setting and importing the RAW images into Lightroom with the same setting in the Camera Calibration module to keep what I see on the camera LCD and in Lightroom consistent. For birds and wildlife, I have been finding I prefer that setting. In Lightroom, I typically set the black/white points, adjust clarity, adjust the Tone Curve, touch-up the minor issues, apply some Dodge and/or Burn if necessary, and then sharpen. 

Thanks for stopping by today!

Eastern Blue Bird

Eastern Bluebird Feeder (1)

Eastern Bluebird Perch (2)

Eastern Bluebird on the Roof (10)

Eastern Bluebird on the Roof (8)

Blue Jays at the feeder

Blue Jay (7)

You always can tell when the Blue Jays arrive because all the other birds scatter! With the deep snow in February, the Blue Jays have been frequent visitors. I was able to take quite a few photos of this particular bird while it ate in peace-and-quiet. True to form, as soon as it left the other birds returned.

The images were taken with a Canon 7DMII and a Canon EF 100-400MM F/4.5-5.6L IS USM lens handheld in daylight. The images were post-processed in Adobe Lightroom.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Blue Jay (10)

Blue Jay (14)

Mourning Dove in the Snow

Mourning Doves typically arrive in pairs and it is not uncommon to see several pairs at the feeder, or perched high-above in the trees. Here a lone dove visits the feeder. Also unlike his peers, this bird was quite brave; I am certain he saw me through the window, however the bird was unfazed and remained on the feeder for some time.

The images were captured handheld using a Canon 7D Mark II and Canon EF 100-400MM F4.5/5.6L IS USM lens. The RAW images were imported into Adobe Lightroom for exposure adjustment, cropping, and Dodge & Burn using the local adjustment brush.

For the black and white image above, the color image was exported to Nik Software's (now owned by Google) Silver Efex Pro 2 for processing. I prefer to use the Kodak T100 Pro film emulation as a starting point then add selective color adjustment and  local adjustments as I proceed. Once I have the image to my liking, I return to Lightroom and apply sharpening if required.

Thanks for stopping by today!

Mourning Dove