University of Notre Dame in Black and White

Eck Hall at Sunset (Black & White)

A few black and white images from a March evening walk around the University of Notre Dame campus. All images were shot handheld with a Fuji X100s and the RAW images processed in Adobe Lightroom. The images were then exported to Nik Software's Silver Efex Pro II for black and white conversion.

Thanks for stopping by today!

LaFortune Hall at night

A Office Hallway at Night

University of Notre Dame at night

Notre Dame

I traveled to the University of Notre Dame (my alma mater) in March on a business trip. I had the good fortune of visiting while it was relatively warm weather (unlike the North East!) and on a very pleasant and comfortable evening I took a walk around campus as the sun was setting. I still am amazed at the amount of construction that has occurred over the years, yet many parts of the campus are still familiar.

All the images here were taken handheld on the Fuji X100s. I used auto ISO and mostly shot in aperture priority mode with F4 or F8 and manual focus. The RAW images were imported into Lightroom and slightly edited.

Thanks for stopping by!

Debartolo Hall at Sunset

Notre Dame