Cohoes waterfall at sunset photographed from the river bed

Cohoes Waterfall in Autumn

A continuation of my visit to the Cohoes waterfall. I made my way down to the riverbed and placed a ND filter on the Fuji X100s. The timing was nearly perfect as the sun began to light-up the rock face. Again, unfortunately the wind was quite strong and the trees are a bit blurry, but I do like the colors.

Have a great day!

Cohoes waterfall in October

Cohoes Waterfall in Autumn

I was able to step out for an hour on a late Sunday afternoon and photograph the Cohoes waterfall in mid-October. I was able to arrive just before sunset. Unfortunately it was cold and windy, so the long exposure images are a bit blurry owing to the movement of the trees.

The above image was photographed with the Fuji X100s on a tripod and stitched together in post using Lightroom CC.

Have a great day!

Coneflower's are one of my favorite subjects

An immature coneflower is bent over in our flower garden. Photographed with the Canon 135MM F/2.0L lens, the background is nicely blurred out. The black and white conversion is done in Nik Software's Silver Efex Pro II. A color version is shown below.

I enjoy the detail and color of these flowers. This particular flower captured my attention because it presented the underside of the flower as opposed to the intricate flower. As with the flower, the amount of detail on the underside is staggering with the numerous hairs.

Have a great day!

Bent Cone Flower